Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lima Beans? (Benefits/Risks)


  Most people know that bearded dragons are omnivorous and love to eat plants, fruits, and veggies. However, most owners are probably not aware of the fact that lima beans (AKA bean pods or ladyfingers) also happen to be safe for bearded dragons. Indeed, this delicious leguminous plant is also consumed by humans on a … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green Onions? (The Risks!)


Bearded dragons are exotic and fascinating reptiles that have become increasingly popular as pets. These lovable dragons make great companions, but they require special care to thrive. Keeping a bearded dragon as a pet requires specialized knowledge about their diet, habitat, and other needs. Bearded dragons are omnivores which means they eat both plants and … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Garlic? (The Risks!)


Bearded dragon keepers often wonder what their pets can eat. These non-venomous lizards are omnivorous and will eat just about anything. It is not uncommon to see them snack on almonds, grapes, carrots and even other lizards! In this article we explore the bearded dragon’s diet and its common food items. We talk about what … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Have Sugar Snap Peas?


When you think of a bearded dragon, you probably think of a reptile that loves eating worms and crickets. But your lovable bearded dragon also has a sweet side. In fact, they can have sugar snap peas! In this blog post, we’ll explore how to feed sugar snap peas to your bearded dragon so they’re … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pistachios?


Perhaps the most well-known answer to this question is “No,” and that’s for a good reason. While there are many other foods that can be safely added to a Bearded Dragon diet, Pistachios present some unique challenges. The oils in Pistachios aren’t healthy for them because their small size means they can easily be overeaten. … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mint?


Bearded dragons have a broad diet and can eat many different types of food. But can bearded dragons eat mint? Yes, bearded dragons like mint leaves, but they also have some important nutritional requirements. You should only feed your pet bearded dragon mint occasionally as a treat. This article explains why you shouldn’t feed your … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Crackers?


Bearded dragons are pretty big eaters, and they love to snack throughout the day. These lizards are fairly low-maintenance when it comes to feeding time; their voracious appetites combined with a simple diet make them one of the easiest reptiles to care for. Bearded dragons will happily eat almost any kind of food that you … Read more

Are Oranges Good for Bearded Dragons?

Are-Oranges-Good-for-Bearded -Dragons

Are oranges good for bearded dragons? The answer is yes and no. If you read on, you will understand why and what type of oranges are best to feed your pet with. Bearded dragons are fruit-loving lizards that love different types of fruits. Your dragon will be happy to see an orange or any other … Read more

Are Succulents Safe For Bearded Dragons?


  Are succulents safe for bearded dragons? I get this question a lot and I’m sure others who have bearded dragons do as well. It’s a common concern to wonder if your pet lizard can be exposed to any harm from the plant or if it will eat the plant. Don’t worry, I’ll cover everything … Read more

How To Get Baby Bearded Dragon To Eat Greens?


Bearded dragons are omnivores and will eat greens, fruit, insects, and other foods. However, the preference for which foods they eat often changes as they grow older. When you first bring home your new baby bearded dragon, it might not be interested in eating greens. Getting them to start eating vegetables can be challenging at … Read more