Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green Onions? (The Risks!)


Bearded dragons are exotic and fascinating reptiles that have become increasingly popular as pets. These lovable dragons make great companions, but they require special care to thrive.

Keeping a bearded dragon as a pet requires specialized knowledge about their diet, habitat, and other needs. Bearded dragons are omnivores which means they eat both plants and animals.

They should have a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, greens, insects, and small mice for optimal health. It’s important to know what your Bearded Dragon can and cannot eat before you begin feeding them.

The following article will answer if bearded dragons can eat green onions and list some other good foods for these lizards.

Can Bearded Dragons Have Green Onions?

Green onions are members of the Allium genus, which also includes garlic, leeks, and shallots. While these vegetables may seem harmless, they can pose health risks to bearded dragons. The root of the problem is that all of these vegetables contain high concentrations of thiosulphate, which can severely impact a bearded dragon’s health.

Most notably, thiosulphate inhibits the ability to absorb Vitamin A, which can lead to problems with a bearded dragon’s vision, metabolism, and bone growth. It is possible to avoid these issues by feeding your bearded dragon a very small amount of green onions.

Why Are Green Onions Not Good For Bearded Dragons?

Green onions are members of the Allium genus, which also includes garlic, leeks, and shallots. These vegetables contain high concentrations of thiosulphate, which can impair a bearded dragon’s health.

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The root of the problem is that all of these vegetables have a high level of thiosulphate, which can severely impact a bearded dragon’s health. Most notably, thiosulphate inhibits the ability to absorb Vitamin A, which can lead to problems with a bearded dragon’s vision, metabolism, and bone growth.

It is possible to avoid these issues by feeding your bearded dragon a very small amount of green onions.

What green vegetables do bearded dragons eat?

If you want to feed green onions to your bearded dragon, you’ll need to feed it in very low quantities. One potential solution is to use green onion sprouts, which contain lower levels of thiosulphate compared to mature green onions.

Another option is to feed your bearded dragon other green vegetables such as collard greens, kale, dandelion greens, and Swiss chard. These vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals crucial for a bearded dragon’s health.

Be sure to feed green vegetables often as they contain low amounts of protein. If you feed them as the sole source of protein, your bearded dragon’s growth could be stunted.

Overall, green vegetables make a good alternative to green onions for bearded dragons.

Summing up

Yes, you can feed green onions to your bearded dragon but in moderation.