Can Bearded Dragons Eat Noodles?


Bearded dragons are popular pets because of their unique looks and many other reasons. Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. But, as with most other pet reptiles, it is important to determine a proper diet to keep them healthy. Can bearded dragons eat noodles? The simple answer is no, you … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chips?


Can bearded dragons eat chips? You’ve probably been asking yourself this question for a while now. Depending on where you live, this answer may be easy to find. There are a number of websites out there either devoted to bearded dragons such us ours that can shed some light on the matter. So can bearded … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Daddy Long Legs? (The Risks)


Anybody who has a bearded dragon as a pet knows how much they love to hunt. It’s not uncommon to find their enclosure littered with crunched up bugs, mice and even small reptiles. Unfortunately, they will often eat smaller animals that make their way into the enclosure or are offered as treats. So, can bearded … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Nuts? (The Answer According To Science)


Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles that thrive on a diet of insects, small animals, fruits, and vegetables. So can bearded dragons eat nuts? No, bearded dragons cannot eat nuts. Indeed, these are generally high in fat and phosphorus thus create some health issues with your pet. Furthermore, nuts can cause choking, impaction and indigestion in … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sunflower Seeds? (Avoid These!)


Can bearded dragons eat sunflower seeds at all? No they cannot eat sunflower seeds! There are a few reasons why you shouldn’t feed your bearded dragon sunflower seeds.   First of all, the nutritional value of sunflower seeds isn’t very high compared to other foods you could give your bearded dragon on a regular basis. … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fireflies? (The Risks!)


So can bearded dragons eat fireflies? No bearded dragons cannot eat fireflies. Indeed, fireflies also known as lighting bugs are highly toxic for your beardie. If your bearded dragon eats even one firefly by mistake, you need to contact a vet as soon as possible.   Are fireflies toxic to lizards? According to the ASPC … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ladybugs? (The Risks!)

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ladybugs

Bearded dragons do not eat ladybugs because they are toxic to them. However, the toxicity is mild to bearded dragons. Instead, beardies prefer crickets or mealworms. As a result, they are offered once in a while or they could get sick. A bearded dragon is not interested in eating ladybugs. Ladybugs produce chemicals to keep … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pickles? (Nope Here is Why)

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pickles

Bearded dragons are omnivorous and can eat a wide variety of live and cooked foods. Bearded dragons need a varied diet to keep them healthy and strong, but they may be attracted to certain foods. No, bearded dragons can’t eat pickles! They are easy to acidic for your bearded dragon.   Can you give bearded … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Have Nectarines?


Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles, which means that they eat a balanced diet of plants and animals. Like humans, their bodies require different vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. They are not picky eaters; they will happily devour any plant or animal that you provide them with. Bearded dragons can have nectarines, but there are … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Slugs? (Benefits/Risks)


Ever wonder if slugs are safe to eat? Well, the answer is yes! Slugs and snails can be a tasty snack for some reptiles. Bearded dragons, for example, are known for being insectivores. They typically feed on insect larvae and other insects. However, they also eat other small animals such as lizards, snakes, rodents and … Read more