Can Bearded Dragons Eat Violets?

can bearded dragons eat violets

Can bearded dragons eat violets? It’s a common question among pet lovers and owners. No, don’t feed violets to your beardie.

While there are no plants in the wild that bearded dragons will only eat, they enjoy eating certain things more than others. Bearded dragon owners know this too well!

Dragons will eat both plants and meat. However, the type of plant material that you give your bearded dragon is essential.

In this article, we’ll go over some common plants for bearded dragons, as well as whether or not violets are safe for them to eat.


Why You Can’t Feed Violet to Your Bearded Dragon


Do you wonder whether or not you can feed your bearded dragon violets? The best answer is no according to our research and finding.

Bearded Dragons should not be given plant material with high oxalate levels, including hibiscus flowers, pansies and violets (no more than once per week), pansies (no more than three per month), and dandelion greens, mustard greens, and turnip greens.

These plants may also cause calcium deficiency problems in these animals if they consume them regularly.


Violets are not toxic to bearded dragons, but they aren’t perfect for them either. The problem with feeding a dragon violet is that it has no nutritional value and can cause gastrointestinal blockages, which could kill your pet if he eats too many flowers at once.

See also  Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sunflower Seeds? (Avoid These!)

If you want your dragon to eat flowers, stick with daisies or rose petals instead.


Health Risks of Feeding Violets to Your Bearded Dragon


Sorry if you were hoping to feed your dragon this leafy, colorful plant!

Here are some of the risks involved with feeding violets to a bearded dragon:

Bearded Dragons can’t digest plant matter very well, and it’s hard for them to get the nutrition they need from vegetables. Sometimes this can lead to malnutrition, which will make them sick and could even kill them if it’s not treated.


If you feed your bearded dragon violets that have been treated with pesticides or chemicals, then those toxins may be poisonous for the dragon! This is especially likely in flowers that are picked for sale at grocery stores.


Bearded Dragons who eat violets often refuse to eat anything else, leading to malnutrition because they’re not getting a balanced diet. Plus, if you try and feed them something healthy like kale or mustard greens after this happens, they may still refuse the food even though it’s good for them!


There is a risk that your bearded dragon could choke on the violet while eating it. In fact, many lizards who get sick from not digest plant matter often have this happen to them at least once!


Flowers You Can Feed Your Bearded Dragon


Not all flowers are poisonous or even nontoxic to bearded dragons; however, it is recommended you avoid feeding your pet any flowering plant until you research what kind of flowers are safe to feed

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Most plants are not included in a bearded dragon’s diet. However, some safe plants can be offered as an occasional treat.


Peaches (Prunus persica)


Not only are these delicious for people to eat, but they are also safe for bearded dragons. They have significant quantities of Vitamin C and A, both great nutrients for your lizard.


Rose (Rosa)


All the parts of the rose are not suitable for bearded dragons. The petals alone can be fed to your dragon, but you should only feed them 1 or 2 at a time because they contain sugars.


Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)


These flowers are okay to feed your bearded dragon; remember to feed them one at a time because it has high sugar content. To get the most nutritional value this plant provides, feed your pet a single flower about once a week.


Spiderflower (Cleome hassleriana)


Comes in purple and white varieties and is great for bearded dragons to eat. They are not poisonous to these lizards but also provide little nutritional value.


Alyssum (Lobularia maritima)


Alyssum flowers are safe for bearded dragons to eat. It contains little nutritional value but is nontoxic and nonpoisonous, which makes it a great snack.




Don’t feed violets to your bearded dragon. Bearded dragons are omnivores that eat fruits, vegetables, and insects in the wild. Violets contain a substance called oxalic acid which can cause kidney stones or heart problems if consumed by animals–including humans!

Check out our blog post on foods they might not normally eat here if you want to try something new with your pet reptile. Or feel free to contact us any time with questions about their care!

See also  Can Bearded Dragons Eat Other Lizards?

We hope this helps keep you from making an accidental mistake when feeding them at home.


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