Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grasshoppers?


Bearded dragons are reptiles and omnivorous at the same time. Therefore, they can feed on insects, vegetables, and fruits.

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grasshoppers, provided they are bred and harvested for their consumption.

However, you can not feed your bearded dragon all types of grasshoppers since there are some that may carry pesticides, chemicals, parasites, and other bacteria that may be harmful to your beardie’s consumption.

Additionally, grasshoppers are tasty snacks that can be wonderful meals for bearded dragons. Since beardies are omnivorous, they require 80% of insects when they are young since insects are excellent sources of proteins that may need growth and development.

When they are grown, you should feed your beaded friend 20% of insects. Just like humans, you can get bored eating the same food daily.

Therefore, it is advisable that you feed your bearded dragon grasshoppers at least once a week to make the meal enjoyable to them.


Further, it is advisable that you feed your bearded dragons live grasshoppers that you have bought from pet stores.

This will make your bearded dragon improve its hunting skills while hunting down the grasshopper. Your bearded dragon will become a healthy fit and reduce boredom in the process.


Nutritional Value


Grasshoppers contain multiple nutritional elements that are quite beneficial to the daily needs of bearded dragons. Additionally, grasshoppers are flavorsome. Feeding your bearded dragon will help them as follows: 

• Protein – baby beardies net at least 80% of insects which plays an important role in their growth and development. The protein will help in the growth of strong muscles in adult beardies.

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  • Vitamin A and D – these vitamins will help in promoting growth in your beardie by aiding in the absorption of nutrients. They will help your beardie have excellent vision.


  • Vitamin C – this vitamin will help your beardie in repairing their body tissues, growth, and development.


  • Iron – this element will help your baby beardie with development.


  • Calcium – it is responsible for your beardies bone development, strengthening, and general wellness.


  • Fiber – it will play an essential role in smoothening and improving the digestive system of your bearded friend.


How To Feed Grasshoppers to Your Bearded Dragon


There are multiple ways that you can feed your bearded friend grasshoppers, whether dead or alive. Before feeding your bearded friend grasshoppers, you need to gut load it a few days or hours before serving them to your bearded dragon.


  • Baby beardies


When beardies are babies, they need 80% of insects and 20% vegetables and fruits. Grasshoppers are insects, and they are high in proteins, which will help in their growth and development. When feeding baby beardies grasshoppers, ensure that they are not larger than the space between their eyes to prevent choking issues. You can feed them grasshoppers at least once or twice a week.


  • Adult bearded dragon


Adult beardies have fully grown and developed, and they need to eat 20% of insects and 80% of vegetables and fruits. It would be best if you fed them grasshoppers at least once or twice every two weeks. Feeding them grasshoppers may increase the chances of your bearded friend having diabetes.


When feeding your bearded dragon freeze-dried grasshoppers, you only need to take a few out of the container and place them in your beardie’s food bowl. You can either hand feed your beardie grasshoppers when you want to build a bond of trust.

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You can also hide dried grasshoppers in their enclosure to help in their stimulation and entertainment. They will smell the grasshoppers and spend their time hunting them.

Additionally, you can place lice grasshoppers in their enclosure and let your bearded friend practice its instincts by hunting it down.


When feeding your bearded dragon grasshoppers, you should remove their wings before feeding. This will help in preventing the possibility of the wings getting stuck between your bearded friends’ teeth and causing them injury.


Reason for not feeding your bearded dragon grasshopper daily


Despite grasshoppers being flavoursome and delicious to bearded dragons. It is not advisable that you feed them grasshoppers daily. This is because feeding them regularly will lead to too much fiber, which may cause diarrhea and other digestive complications to your beardie.


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grasshoppers from Outside?


Bearded dragons are sensitive reptiles, and therefore it is not advisable to give them grasshoppers from outside. This is because the grasshoppers from outside may have chemicals harmful to your beardie’s health. Therefore, you are advised to buy and feed your bearded friend grasshoppers from pet stores or online retailers.


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wild Grasshoppers?


Wild grasshoppers may have been exposed to chemicals and other poisons that may be harmful to your bearded dragon’s health. Therefore, it is advisable feeding your beardie wild grasshoppers.


Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Grasshoppers?


You can feed baby bearded dragons’ grasshoppers. But you have to properly prepare the grasshopper since baby beardies have developing teeth that hard exoskeletons can easily damage in grasshoppers.


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lubber Grasshoppers?


Bearded dragons can eat lubber grasshoppers. However, it is strongly advised against feeding them lubber grasshoppers. This is because lubber grasshoppers are very similar to locusts in looks, and they have toxins in their blood that can cause serious digestive issues to your bearded friend.

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Black Grasshoppers?


Yes, you can safely feed your bearded friend black grasshoppers. They do not pose any threat to all ages of bearded dragons.




  • How many grasshoppers can your bearded dragons eat?


The number of grasshoppers that your bearded friend can eat depends on multiple factors: how big the grasshopper is, how hungry your bearded friend is, and if your bearded friend is in the mood to hunt. However, bearded dragons do not overeat. You should provide them with enough and remove the uneaten grasshoppers from their enclosure.


  • How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grasshoppers?


Bearded dragons have the staple food they can feed on regularly, such as mealworms and crickets. If you want your bearded friend to enjoy eating grasshoppers, you should feed them occasionally, like once a week.




Bearded dragons are very active and friendly pets to have in your home. Feeding them a balanced diet will ensure they maintain being healthy. Grasshoppers have nutritional elements that will help your bearded friend stay healthy.

Additionally, feeding your bearded friend live grasshoppers will help in keeping them active and flexible as they hunt and chase them around the enclosure. It is therefore healthy and safe to feed your bearded dragon grasshoppers occasionally.

Do you know where bearded dragons are from? Read our next article to find out.