Why Is My Bearded Dragon Running Around Like Crazy?


Bearded dragons can display a wide range of behaviors one of which is running. But why is my bearded dragon running around like crazy, would you ask. Your beardie may be running around for various reasons with the most common ones being linked to the heating conditions of its habitat and the presence of parasites. … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Grow Their Tail Back? (Nope Here’s Why)


You beardie probably lost its tail which prompted you to ask “can bearded dragons grow their tail back?” The answer is NO beardies cannot grow their tail back. It’s a common misconception that autotomy [1] exists in bearded dragons. This is when lizards drop their tail and regenerate a new one. Continue reading to learn … Read more

Do Bearded Dragons Play Dead? (Yep, Here Is Why)


It’s such an awful feeling to come home and find your beardie still with its eyes closed as if it is dead. You can’t help but worry and quickly touch it to see if it will move. This begs the question do bearded dragons play dead? The short answer is Yes, bearded dragons play dead. … Read more

Do Bearded Dragons Bite? Why it Happens and How to Treat it


Bearded dragons are among the most adorable animals and pets. They are always calm around humans and rarely aggressive. Additionally, bearded dragons feature a unique appearance and docile temperament.    The beautiful appearance and docile nature of the bearded dragons make them excellent pets for most people. The question “do bearded dragons bite” is common … Read more

Why does my Bearded Dragon Turn Black in the Sun?


  A bearded dragon turning black in the sun could be scary for inexperienced owners, but this metachrosis or color-changing pigmentation is nothing to worry about. Usually, bearded dragons turn black under the sun to regulate their body temperature because they are exothermic. Secondly, you should not worry because this behavior is temporary. There are … Read more

What Does It Mean When a Bearded Dragon Shakes?


Bearded dragons are enjoyable and tolerable reptiles to interact with and handle due to their friendly nature. Besides they are also easy to notice when they are physically unhealthy because it affects their behavior, unlike other pets. One of the signs that indicate physical illness is when a bearded dragon shakes like it’s twitching or … Read more

What Does It Mean When a Bearded Dragon Wags Its Tail?


Wiggling behaviour is most common in mammals to indicate happiness like in dogs and cats. But what does it mean when your bearded dragon wags its tail? When your bearded dragon wags its tail it’s hard to decipher the meaning like in dogs and cats because they are inexpressive and shy. Below we have provided … Read more

What Does It Mean When a Bearded Dragon Waves?


Bearded dragons are gentle reptiles, but they can be both quirky and kooky creatures. Because they can exhibit different traits from puffing their head, digging, fluffing their head, gaping for an extended period to twitching their tail.   However, they can amaze you when you observe them waving thinking that it is waving at you … Read more

What Does It Mean When a Bearded Dragon Opens Its Mouth?


  A bearded dragon with its mouth open is a natural behavior that does not mean something is wrong. Bearded dragons show gaping behavior mostly when they are basking, but sometimes they can keep their mouth open for a long time when they are not basking. Why? Well, find out more from the list of … Read more