Can Bearded Dragons Eat Locusts?

can bearded dragons eat locusts

Bearded Dragons are reptiles and, therefore, omnivores in nature. Therefore, bearded dragons can eat locusts.

Like most lizards, locusts are always one of the favorite meals for bearded dragons.

Generally, locusts are considered excellent live bearded dragons’ food since they are chunky and wholesome.

Additionally, your bearded dragon should take insects such as locusts as part of its daily diet since they are rich in protein and serve as an excellent everyday staple food.

However, locusts are only suitable for adult bearded dragons. If you have a baby or juvenile bearded dragon, you should offer them smaller insects which may be appropriate.

Moreover, you must check the total length of the locusts before giving them to your bearded friend to ensure that the insect is not too large for them to digest correctly.

Nutritional Value of Feeding Your Bearded Dragon Locusts.


Feeding your bearded dragon locusts has multiple benefits. Additionally, it would be best if you gutted load and dust the locusts before giving them to your bearded dragon.

This process is essential since it will help in preventing calcium deficiency. Here are the benefits of feeding your beardies locusts.



Locusts are rich in protein and iron. These two essential elements will help your bearded dragon in its growth and development of muscles and tissues. This is important for young or juvenile beardies.


  • Hydration


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Most bearded dragons rarely drink water. On most occasions, you will find them soaking in their water bowls to help with hydration.

Most of their water intake comes from the food that they eat. It is good to gut load and keep the locusts hydrated before feeding your beardie since it will serve as a great water source.


  • Calcium and Vitamin D3


These two minerals are very important for your bearded dragons, and they can be found in locusts since they cannot be found naturally in their bodies.

Bearded dragons need calcium to help in keeping their bones and teeth healthy.

Additionally, calcium is important in the prevention of debilitating conditions such as calcium deficiency and Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) in the beardies. Vitamin D3 will aid your bearded dragon in absorbing calcium in their bodies.


Proper cage temperature


You should ensure your bearded dragon’s cage or enclosure have the correct and well-maintained temperatures of between 75 – 85°F (24 -29°C) during the day and between 70 -75°F (21 -24°C) at night.

These temperatures are essential in your beardies’ correct food digestion. The correct temperatures are important, especially when you are feeding your beardies locusts.

It will help prevent any risk of impaction since locusts have a relatively hard exoskeleton compared to other softer-bodied insects such as crickets.


Feeding schedules


It would be best if you let your bearded dragon to feet on the gut-loaded locusts as much as they can for 15 minutes and then remove the remaining insects from the cage and keep them for a later time feeding.

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Feeding your adult bearded dragon one insect feeding in every one or two days.




Yes, bearded dragons can and should eat locusts. Locusts are important to the beardies since they will provide your bearded dragons with protein, iron, moisture, calcium, and vitamins that they will need in their daily being.

Additionally, feeding your bearded dragon live locusts will be fun, and it will keep them active and flexible, just like in their natural habitat when they hunt and chase the insects in their enclosure.

This will help reduce the chances of your bearded dragon becoming overweight and unhealthy and keeping them active and playful as a pet.

Check out our post on whether or not bearded dragons can eat rose petals for further reading.