Can Bearded Dragons Eat Succulents?

can bearded dragons eat succulents

Can bearded dragon eat succulents? Yes bearded dragons can eat succulents as long as you stick to the non-toxic ones and don’t feed them on a regular basis.

The non-toxic succulents have essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that will benefit your pet.


What Succulents Plants Are Safe For Bearded Dragons? 

Here are some safe succulents that your bearded dragon can have on occasion.



These succulents vary in size, with some small and others growing to a height of up to three feet.

Additionally, they are also available in multiple vibrant colors that you can choose from.

They can survive is harsh climate, being it cold or sun. 



This is another non-toxic succulent available in multiple varieties that can strive in harsh climate.

Furthermore, this succulent is hardy and tasty, making it one of the most favorite among bearded dragons.



Echeveria is safe and non-toxic for beardies.

It does not require lots of maintenance. 


x Pachyveria

If you are looking for a colorful and bearded dragon-friendly succulent to serve your pet on an occasional basis, then x Pachyveria is an excellent option.

It’s a mix between the Echeveria and the Pachyphytum so comes with some beautiful colors.



These succulents have a weird appearance. They are given the name Living Rocks because of their rock-like appearance.

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The contents in lithops are non-toxic to bearded dragons.


What Succulents Are Poisonous to Bearded Dragons?

Some of the unsafe succulents with toxic nutrients you should never serve your bearded dragon to eat include: 


Jade plant

This succulent has an unknown poisonous substance that may have adverse effects, such as developing a low heart rate.

On some occasions, the effect may be worse, and therefore, you should not feed your bearded dragon this succulent.


Aloe Vera

This succulent is known to have various medicinal properties for human beings.

However, it contains aloin which is a dangerous substance to bearded dragons.

Serving your bearded dragon this succulent may lead to adverse effects such as vomiting, tremors, diarrhea, and even loss of appetite.


Silver Dollar Plant

It contains poisonous content for bearded dragons, and therefore you should not serve them even as a treat.

Giving your beardie Silver Dollar plant may lead to nausea, vomiting, and even tremors.


String pearls

Serving your bearded dragon this succulent may lead to your bearded dragon having stomach upsets, lethargy, drooling, diarrhea and vomiting.



It contains cardiac glycosides that have the same effect as string pearls on your pet (lethargy, increased salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain).

Your beardie can even have breathing issues.


Nutritional value of succulents

Serving your bearded dragon-safe succulents with non-toxic content has various benefits.

Some of the benefits include:

Calcium – it will help your beardie in the development of their bones, teeth, and general wellness.

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– Vitamin C – it will aid your beardie in their growth, development, and repair of their body tissue.

– Fiber – this will ensure your bearded dragon has a healthy digestive system.

– Vitamin A – it will help the bearded dragon in promoting a healthy immune system and excellent vision.

– Vitamin B6 – this element will help your bearded dragon when it comes to their brain development, maintaining a healthy immune and nervous system.


It is true that bearded dragons can eat succulents, but not all are safe for your  pet.

When in doubt or if you are concerned about some health issues with your bearded dragon, consult with a vet.

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