Do Baby Bearded Dragons Sleep A Lot?


Do baby bearded dragons sleep a lot? Beardie babies are just so darn cute, sometimes it seems like they are smiling at you.

They are so active that many people can’t even imagine them sleeping more than a few hours a day.

But, beardies do sleep in fact, they sleep a lot – at least compared to their adult counterparts.

This leads many to ask, do baby bearded dragons sleep a lot?

How Much Does A Baby Bearded Dragon Sleep?

Babies sleep for about 18 hours per day, while adults sleep about 8-12 hours.

Because baby bearded dragons don’t have eyelids, they sleep with their eyes open.

Baby bearded dragons are crepuscular, meaning they are active during the day when the sun is out and at dawn and dusk.

Is It Normal For My Bearded Dragon To Sleep All Day?

As a bearded dragon owner, you may have noticed that they sleep more than most other lizards.
This is because baby bearded dragons require more energy to grow and develop their immune systems.

A baby beardie’s growth rate is extremely fast, especially during the first few weeks of life.
Bearded dragons are also very active at night so it’s normal for them to be awake in the daytime and asleep at night.

Why Does My Baby Bearded Dragon Sleep So Much?

Baby bearded dragons sleep a lot because their metabolism is unique.

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They do not need to eat often because they don’t use much energy, which allows them to sleep for long periods of time.

Baby bearded dragon hatchlings have a special metabolism that allows them to grow quickly, and they spend most of their time sleeping while they do so. In fact, baby bearded dragons can grow three times as large in just two months!

However, this growth requires lots of energy and food intake – which is why adult bearded dragons can eat up to 50% of their body weight every day

It’s Normal For Your Baby Bearded Dragon To Sleep A Lot

Baby bearded dragons are nocturnal animals, so they will be active at night. They sleep during the day and wake up when it’s cool outside or dark.
They sleep more than adults do because they’re growing and developing.

The more time your baby bearded dragon spends sleeping, the better! If you notice your beardie is still awake at night when others of its kind have gone to bed, it could indicate a problem with its health.

You may also need to adjust their lighting schedule or temperature if they seem too lethargic (in which case it’s best not to leave them alone until an experienced vet can check them over).

While some people prefer keeping their pet reptiles outdoors in nature rather than indoors where there’s artificial light, this isn’t always easy with small children running around; if this is the case then try reducing artificial light in areas where babies live so that they can get enough rest during daytime hours without feeling too sleepy after sunset!

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In Summary

Bearded dragons are one of the most popular pets to keep. They have short life spans and they can live up to 14-20 years old when cared for properly.

They’re also very easy animals to care for as long as you provide them with the right diet and habitat.

One thing that’s important about bearded dragon care is knowing how much sleep they need each day or night because without enough sleep, these reptiles will become cranky and irritable which may lead to behavioral issues such as biting their owner or refusing food altogether!

This can lead to serious health problems if left untreated so it’s best practice always monitor your pet’s behavior closely while ensuring they receive enough restful time off too.

Takeaway: Bearded dragons need around 8-12 hours of sleep per day, but some may only require 6 hours if they’re active during daylight hours.

It’s really dependent on the individual lizard so if you notice something off about your pet, don’t be afraid to take them in for a checkup at your vet or local reptile rescue center just in case something might be wrong with them medically speaking!