How Far Can a Bearded Dragon See? (Not What You Think)


Bearded dragons are among the most amazing pets you can own. These gentle creatures are easy to care for and tend to be affectionate.

But how much do you know about their eyesight? How far can a bearded dragon see?


You might be surprised to learn that these reptiles have excellent eyesight, no matter what someone told you.

In fact, their sight is even better than a human’s in some ways!

While they can’t see the red spectrum of light like humans, they do have advanced sight compared to other lizards.

The Difference Between Eyesight and Vision

When you think of eyesight, you might think it’s the same as vision. But these two terms are actually different.

Vision is an overall term for sight and can include sight without light (like with a blind person).

Eyesight, on the other hand, is how well someone can see something with their eyes when looking at it from a specific distance.


Bearded dragons have excellent eyesight that they use to hunt prey and look out for predators.

This type of vision helps them to see things in detail up close.

They don’t have the ability to see red, but they do have better eyesight than many other lizards because they can see a wider range of color than some reptiles.


Bearded Dragon Vision

Bearded dragons are one of the few reptiles that have a third eye, known as the parietal eye.

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The presence of this eye is what makes them different from other lizards. This third eye is only used for sensing light, not for sight.

These animals see in black and white and can detect movement in color. There’s no need to worry about your bearded dragon being nearsighted or farsighted because they don’t see like humans do!

Their vision is similar to other lizards, which means it’s more about detail than distance.


Can Bearded Dragons See in Color?

The most common misconception about bearded dragons is that they can only see in black and white. While they can’t see the red spectrum of light, they do have color vision. The majority of their sight is focused on the blue and green ranges of the light spectrum.

They also have a peripheral vision that allows them to see in color. Another common misconception is that bearded dragons need eye drops because they are nearsighted or farsighted. This isn’t true! These lizards have advanced sight compared to other lizards and don’t need eye drops.

A final common misconception is that bearded dragons can only see what’s directly in front of them.

Again, this isn’t true! Bearded dragons have good peripheral vision, so they can see what’s happening on either side of them at any given moment.

They also benefit from having two eyes that cover 180 degrees each, which gives them a complete view of the surroundings around them. When you’re trying to determine if a bearded dragon needs glasses or not, remember that these creatures don’t need eye care because their vision is better than ours in some ways!

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What Colors Can Bearded Dragons See?

Many people think that bearded dragons can see red, but they can’t. While bearded dragons can see in color, they are only able to see yellow and blue. They also have the ability to see UV light, which is something humans cannot do.

The part of their eyes called the tapetum lucidum reflects light back through the retina for up to a minute after it hits the eye. This is why you might notice a green glow coming from a bearded dragon’s eyes at night time.

Bearded dragons might be able to see more than we give them credit for, but there are some other limitations as well. They don’t have eyelids like humans so it requires some extra help to keep their eyes moist and clean.


Are Bearded Dragons Farsighted or Nearsighted?

Some people think bearded dragons are nearsighted because they have bulging eyes. The truth is, these lizards actually have a very healthy, functioning eye that can see great distances.

Their eyes bulge out of their head for protection against predators. When it comes to vision, there are many things to consider.

Here are the most common misconceptions about bearded dragon’s eyesight and the truth behind them.

#1: Bearded Dragons Cannot See Red Light While this is true, these reptiles do see more colors than humans do. They can see greens and blues but cannot see red light—just like other reptiles!

#2: Bearded Dragons Can’t See Far Into the Distance Wrong again! A bearded dragon’s vision at distance is excellent thanks to their high concentration of rods in their retinae. This means they can spot prey from a distance and even sense movement in water better than humans can!

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#3: Bearded Dragons Have Poor Depth Perception This is the only statement we found that was accurate – bearded dragons have poor depth perception, just like other reptiles and mammals with monocular vision (seeing through one eye).

That’s why it’s always important for bearded dragon owners to buy tank mates that come from different heights so that your pet will be able to gauge distances correctly.


Summing it up

Bearded dragons have great eyesight -Their eyesight is better than human eyesight in some ways -Beards can’t see red like humans, but they can see it better than other lizards