Can Bearded Dragons Eat Scorpions?

can bearded dragons eat scorpions

You might have come across a video showing a bearded dragon munching a scorpion on YouTube, but do bearded dragons hunt scorpions in the wild?

The information from that video showed that bearded dragons can eat scorpions; however, no one knows whatever happens to the beardy afterward.

I am by means saying NO! And on a serious note, DO NOT ATTEMPT if you really care for your beardie.


Why Bearded Dragons shouldn’t eat scorpions


There are many reasons why bearded dragons should not eat scorpions. Scorpions sting contain venom that can potentially harm your beardie.

Therefore, do not even attempt to throw a live scorpion in the tank because the beardy can get injured or die during a fight.

Even though scorpions are low in protein and fat but eating scorpions may cause impaction and constipation.

This is because beardies do not have enough enzymes to digest the scorpion’s exoskeleton, which is made up of chitin.

Hence, they will be left with undigested wastes in their stomach, leading to impaction, a fatal condition that can cause death if not administered immediately.


Are Bearded Dragons Immune to Scorpion’s Venom?


If you take your time observing wild beardies hunting, you will notice they also feed on venomous insects like bees, wasps, scorpions, and many.

However, they risk their lives before these insects’ stings because the habitat and flexibility influence them.

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But that does not justify they are immune to their venom, especially scorpion’s venom.

Scorpion’s venom is considered deadly and can paralyze your beardy and eventually cause death.

Therefore, if you let your beardy exercise outside the tank, you should be extremely cautious of venomous insects because they may end putting up a fight and getting punctured or ingesting them.


What to do when you notice impaction in Bearded Dragons


Impaction is the blockage of the digestive tract caused by a hard mass.

As your beardie exercises out of its cage, it may come across scorpion and feed on it. This could lead to impaction.

If you detect impaction, put your beardy in warm water but ensure you fill the bath a bit deeper and allow it to swim for about 20-30minutes to stimulate their system.

Then massage gently while in its birth by stroking its side from head to tail to move content in the stomach along the digestive tract.

Or, place a couple of drops of olive oil on their nose as a laxative to help clear things up.




Bearded dragons in the captive can live twice longer than the ones in the wild habitat.

Only if they are well cared for, allow them to exercise and be fed with a well-balanced diet.

But do not let them eat venomous insects as they are deadly to their health.

Lastly, don’t feed your bearded dragon’s wild-caught insects because they may get used to the taste; hence, they may refuse to eat anything else if insects are not available.

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In this additional reading, we found out if bearded dragons can eat succulents.