Can Bearded Dragons Eat Maggots? (You Bet!)


While many people would shudder at the thought of feeding their pet a maggot, it’s actually a very nutritious meal for your bearded dragon. In fact, bearded dragons have been eating maggots as part of their natural diet for millions of years! That’s right; they aren’t just gross to us.

The best thing about feeding your pet bearded dragon maggots is that they are extremely cheap, abundant and easy to find. Depending on where you live, there are plenty of different things you can do to get your hands on some wriggling maggots.

In this article, we will go over everything you need to know about feeding your bearded dragon maggots so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not they are the type of food that you want to offer your dragon.

Nutritional Value of maggots

Maggots are actually a larval form of flies that feed on decaying organic matter. Maggots are extremely nutritious for your pet and are especially high in protein and fat. They are also packed with B vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are essential for your bearded dragon’s growth.

Maggots are also low in fat and contain very few carbohydrates, making them a good choice for pets that are prone to obesity. All of these great benefits come at a very low cost. You can get a small bag of maggots for about $1, which will last you for several feedings.

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fly Maggots?

Yes! Bearded dragons will eat both fly and maggot maggots. Fly maggots are a bit smaller than the typical maggot, but your dragon will still be able to eat them. As long as the maggot is about the same size as a cricket, your dragon will probably be able to eat it. Fly maggots are very nutritious and make a great meal for your bearded dragon.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Black Maggots?

Black maggots are fly maggots that have been heated to kill them. As a result, they are not suitable for feeding your bearded dragon. Black maggots are toxic to bearded dragons and other reptiles, so you should avoid feeding them to your pet. Black maggots are usually sold as “bio-slurry” or “bio-sludge” and are commonly used in gardening to break down organic matter in soil.

How to Feed Bearded Dragons Maggots

First, make sure that you are feeding your dragon the right type of maggot. Feeding your dragon black maggots or other types of maggots that are not suitable for feeding reptiles could be fatal. Black maggots are often packaged in the same containers as other types of maggots, so you want to make sure that you only feed your dragon the type of maggot that is safe for reptiles. Maggots are most commonly sold in large bags that are kept in warm water. You can feed your dragon the whole maggot, or you can crush them to make them easier to digest. You can also feed your dragon maggot cubes or maggot flakes, which are also common types of feeder insect larvae.

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Maggots are a healthy, nutritious meal for your bearded dragon. They are also very inexpensive and easy to find. Maggots are a great choice for feeding your dragon if you are trying to keep costs low or are just beginning to feed your dragon insects. Unfortunately, you can only feed your dragon maggots for a few months before they outgrow them.

Eventually, you will need to transition your dragon to larger insects like crickets, roaches, or mealworms. Bearded dragons are omnivores, and they will benefit from being fed a diverse diet. Feeding your bearded dragon maggots is a quick, easy way to make sure that your dragon is getting all of the nutrients that it needs.