Can Bearded Dragons Eat Isopods?

can bearded dragons eat isopods


Bearded dragons are popular pets in the Australia and the United States, but what should you feed them to keep them healthy and happy? Can bearded dragons eat isopods? Yes! Bearded dragons are omnivores [1], and there are several different bugs that the dragons can eat, including isopods.

Isopods can provide many nutrients for your bearded dragons, such as protein and calcium.

While some people might think that isopods only live under cool, damp rocky places, they can be found all over your house by crawling about over sidewalks, patios, and foundations.


Benefits of Feeding Bearded Dragon With Isopods

Isopods provide protein to help your bearded dragon. Protein is essential for growth, especially when they are young. Protein is vital to proper bearded dragon growth and development.

Additionally, Isopods also provide calcium that dragons use to help bones and shells grow healthy. They will eat the shells of other isopods.

So it might seem like they’re eating their kind when, in reality, they are just consuming what you already gave them, which goes back to the fact that they are considered a good source of calcium for bearded dragons.

They can also provide fiber for your beardie. Fiber is essential for keeping your bearded dragon’s digestive system healthy by helping it run smoothly. It is also necessary for your bearded dragon’s growth and proper digestion of food.

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Isopods can also be a source of iron. iron helps produce hemoglobin to keep your pet’s blood oxygenated. This means that the isopods will help your beardie’s blood transport oxygen throughout their body, which in turn helps them to grow bigger and stronger.

Dragons need omega-fatty acids for their brains to develop properly. Isopods are an excellent source of omega fatty acids which means that they will help your dragon’s brain grow and function properly, resulting in them being happier.


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Health Risks of Feeding Bearded Dragons Isopods

The first risk is parasites. Isopods carry parasites, so you need to be cautious when feeding them. Parasites like tapeworms can live inside the isopod’s body and then be eaten by your bearded dragon.

This results in parasites being introduced to their bodies which can cause illness or death if not treated properly. So make sure that they are free of any parasite before feeding them to your pet.

They also have tiny claws that can cause injury to your beardie’s mouth. While the isopod doesn’t have any actual means of harming them, they are still sharp enough to cut into their mouths when eating it, which in turn causes damage to the inside of their mouths and digestive tract.

This might not be too dangerous on its own, but if left untreated, it can also cause the dragon to contract an infection.

Isopods are crustaceans, so they have shells on their backs and bellies. Since they don’t move around a lot, this shell is tough for them to shed or get rid of, so when your beardie eats one, they will also be eating the shell. This can cause them to get sick if they cannot digest it properly.

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Healthy Feeding Guidelines of Isopods to Bearded Dragons

For one, make sure that the isopods you feed to your dragon are always no larger than half their size. If they can eat an entire isopod in one bite, it’s too big and needs to be crushed before feeding it to them; otherwise, this could result in digestive problems or even choking if not done right.

Additionally, keep the isopods in a safe and clean environment. This means getting rid of any other animals or bugs from where they will be staying and making sure that their container has enough air flow and circulation for them to breathe correctly. Keeping these critters in an enclosed space might not allow proper ventilation, which can make them sick.

Additionally, you will need to provide your isopods with the right type of food for them to survive and stay healthy.

They are scavengers, so they eat whatever they can find, which includes decaying matter like plants or leftovers. These might be found in their enclosure when it’s time to feed them again.

So ensure that you always have a clean environment for them to live in and give them fresh food when it’s time to eat again.



Bearded dragons can eat isopods. which are a good source of calcium, fiber, iron, and omega fatty acids. Isopods also provide your beardie with many benefits, including healthy digestive system function and stronger bones.

However, there are some risks associated with feeding them to bearded dragons, such as parasites carried by isopods. Also, injuries caused to your pet’s mouth from isopods’ claws or shells, and digestive issues. As long as you keep them in a clean environment with fresh food provided every day, they should be fine.

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[1] omnivores