Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pomegranate? (Benefits)


When it comes to feeding your bearded dragon, there’s no shortage of options. This omnivorous lizard will accept a variety of foods in captivity, with fruits and vegetables being one of their favorites.

And pomegranate is among the most nutritious fruits you can offer them. If you own a bearded dragon, then you know that they are known for their appetite. These lizards tend to eat anything and everything.

They will also devour any food that you give them. Unfortunately for us humans who love the smell but not so much the taste of these plants, we don’t always enjoy having them around.

Fortunately for pet owners, there are ways to get around this issue without sacrificing your lizards’ health or their natural habitat (if you have access).

What is pomegranate?

Pomegranate is a small, round fruit with thick skin. It is red and has a tart taste. It’s native to southern Europe and Southwest Asia. This fruit is also known as “Indian Gooseberry”. Why feed pomegranate to your bearded dragon?

Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they consume both plant and animal material. They can eat items such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, insects and even small rodents.

Why feed pomegranate to your bearded dragon?

Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they consume both plant and animal material. They can eat items such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, insects and even small rodents. Pomegranate is a very nutritious fruit that can help keep your bearded dragon healthy and strong.

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It’s is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It contains anthocyanin, a polyphenol that has anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that has anti-diabetic and anti-obesity properties. It also has good levels of vitamin C and E, potassium, and dietary fibre.

This makes pomegranate a great fruit for keeping your bearded dragon healthy and strong.

Which type of pomegranate is best for feeding your bearded dragon?

Pomegranates are easy to find at most supermarkets and specialty stores, and many pet stores carry them as well. Try to purchase pomegranates that are on the firm side and have no signs of softness or bruising. Pomegranates can be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks, but it’s best to eat them fresh.

They are available in different sizes and varieties. Some varieties are specifically designed for feeding reptiles, such as those with a tight husk. If you can’t find pomegranates specifically designed for feeding reptiles, regular pomegranates will work just fine.

Always wash and thoroughly dry the pomegranate before offering it to your bearded dragon. This is important as any residue on the pomegranate could pose a serious health risk to your pet.

How to feed your bearded dragon pomegranate

– Remove the seeds from the pomegranate. If there are any stuck in the pomegranate, gently remove them.

– Cut the pomegranate into quarters and remove the seeds from between the sections. Some pomegranates are easier to separate than others.

– Place the seed sections into a bowl large enough for your dragon to eat easily.

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– Add a small amount of bird seed or pelleted diet as a treat.

– Pour some water over the seed sections to allow your bearded dragon to sip from it.

– Clean any bowls and utensils thoroughly before and after feeding your bearded dragon to avoid transferring any pathogens to your pet.

– Keep your bearded dragon away from the pomegranate sections until ready to serve them.

– Give your bearded dragon one pomegranate quarter per meal.

– It is best to feed your bearded dragon in the morning before they go out to explore, otherwise they may mistake the pomegranate sections for prey.

– Remember to replace the pomegranate sections in the bowl after each meal.

– Offer your bearded dragon fresh water ad libitum.



What fruit can bearded dragons can eat?

• Figs.
• Watermelon.
• Apples.
• Mango.
• Papaya.
• Dates.
• Peaches.
• Apricots.


What fruits can not bearded dragons eat?

High Oxalate Foods

These foods aren’t otherwise poisonous and can be fed to your bearded dragon, but because they are higher in oxalates they should be fed very sparingly. Carrots, spinach, beets and beet greens, celery, kiwi, okra, parsley, radicchio, raspberries, yucca, chard and star fruit.


Can bearded dragons eat seeds?

While the seeds were interesting and new for your beardie to ingest, I wouldn’t let him do it again. Chances are that he will safely pass the seed hulls, but they could cause an impaction if he ingested several of them.


What fruit can a bearded dragon eat daily?

The following list of insects, vegetables and fruits are good choices to include in your bearded dragon’s diet: Dubia roaches, earthworms, crickets and superworms. Apples, blueberries, peaches, strawberries and watermelon. Cabbage, carrots, collard greens, kale, pumpkin and sweet potato.

See also  Can Bearded Dragons Eat Frogs? (Risks!)



Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they consume both plant and animal material. They can eat items such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, insects and even small rodents. Pomegranate is a very nutritious fruit that can help keep your bearded dragon healthy and strong. Pomegranate is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

It contains anthocyanin, a polyphenol that has anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that has anti-diabetic and anti-obesity properties. It also has good levels of vitamin C and E, potassium, and dietary fibre.

This makes pomegranate a great fruit for keeping your bearded dragon healthy and strong. Pomegranates are easy to find at most supermarkets and specialty stores, and many pet stores carry them as well.

Try to purchase pomegranates that are on the firm side and have no signs of softness or bruising. Pomegranates can be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks, but it’s best to eat them fresh.

Always wash and thoroughly dry the pomegranate before offering it to your bearded dragon. This is important as any residue on the pomegranate could pose a serious health risk to your pet.

