What is a bearded dragon’s favorite vegetable?

There are numerous plants, fruits and vegetables that are safe and healthy for bearded dragons to eat, but some favorites include squash, collard greens, bell peppers, mustard greens and seedless watermelon. Of course, it’s best to mix up your bearded dragon’s diet every once in a while. Jan 11, 2018

Can bearded dragons eat mice?

So, the answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat mice—with several caveats— but the bigger question is: Should they? You will find a lot of conflicting information on the Internet regarding whether mice are a healthy food source for bearded dragons. Jul 19, 2022

Do bearded dragons drink water?

Bearded dragons drink water, need water and continual mild dehydration causes long term health issues. When a bearded dragon is dehydrated, it is also likely constipated. Provide water by a combination of hydrating routines including bathing, misting (spraying), food, drinking from a bowl and syringe or eye dropper. May 20, 2020

How long should you soak a bearded dragon?

Let your beardie soak for about 15 – 20 minutes. Once bath time is over, gently pat your pet dry with a soft sowel. This is very important! If he’s still damp when you put him back in his tank, the substrate may stick to him. Jan 15, 2021

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Do you leave the heat lamp on all the time for bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons do not need a source of UVA or UVB at night. As such, you’ll want to turn both their heat lamp and UVB off at night. Leaving these bulbs on will make your beardie think it’s still daytime and can seriously disrupt their sleeping schedule. Jan 8, 2020

What do you put in the bottom of a bearded dragon tank?

Things like newspaper or paper towels, reptile carpet, rubber shelf liner, tile or even bioactive substrate are all excellent choices when it comes to bearded dragon substrate. You should stay away from loose substrates like sand, soil, play sand, alfalfa pellets, bark, mulch, wood chips, hay or moss. Feb 24, 2022

What do bearded dragons like to play with?

Different Toys For Bearded Dragons Hides. Hides might not look like toys in the traditional sense, but in the eyes of a bearded dragon it’s a wonderful new space to explore! … Cat Toys. Cat wands and teaser toys are excellent for bearded dragons! … Play Ball. … Floaties. … Crinkle Ball. … Hammock. … Tunnels. … Mirror. More items… • Oct 19, 2020

What do bearded dragons like in their tank?

Every dragon needs a basking spot, and this spot should be between 95 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Other parts of the tank should be cooler so your dragon can regulate body temperature as needed. Nighttime temperatures. At night, the entire tank should range from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Oct 28, 2020

Do I have to feed my bearded dragon live crickets?

Bearded dragons need to eat live insects, and throughout their lifetime, they’ll generally be consuming between 20 and 80 each week. That’s a lot of insects, and crickets are by far the favorite. These insects are easy to find, affordably priced, and they offer plenty of nutrition and exercise for your dragon. Jul 22, 2022

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Is bearded dragon poop toxic?

Bearded dragons can carry Salmonella germs that can spread to you and make you sick. Always take steps to stay healthy around your bearded dragon. Bearded dragons can carry Salmonella germs in their droppings even if they look healthy and clean. Jun 16, 2022

Can bearded dragons roam the house?

Is It Safe to Let a Bearded Dragon Run Around The House? Yes, it can be safe to let your bearded dragon roam free in your home. Even though they are normally quite calm and quiet, bearded dragons are intrinsically curious and will benefit from spending time outside their tank. Jul 6, 2021

How likely is it to get Salmonella from a bearded dragon?

Although the chances of you contracting salmonella from your pet bearded dragon is very slim, you, as the owner, should follow a few guidelines to make sure you and your pet stay safe and healthy. Salmonella is a bacteria that can be found in the bearded dragon’s feces.

Are female or male bearded dragons nicer?

Males are more outgoing, and often engage in social engagement more actively. But at the same time, they often become territorial and aggressive during breeding seasons, while females usually remain calm. What is more, expect female bearded dragons to lay eggs (infertile) even if the male is not there.

Is it OK to buy a bearded dragon from PetSmart?

First off – try to stay away from the large commercial chains such as Petco and PetSmart. They often buy from very large operations with very low standards for husbandry and genetics. May 13, 2021

What do you do when you first get a bearded dragon?

Should you bathe bearded dragons?

As a general rule, bath time three times a week should be sufficient to keep your dragon clean and hydrated. If your dragon absolutely hates baths, then once a week may be a reasonable goal. If your dragon can’t get enough bath time, you may want to do it more frequently, maybe even once a day. Feb 1, 2021

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How often do you clean a bearded dragon cage?

The basic routine for cleaning out a bearded dragon is daily, with a little care which will remove the need to completely clean the vivarium out regularly. With this daily care, your bearded dragon’s vivarium will need a full clean once every month or so.

Can you keep a bearded dragon in your bedroom?

To put it quite plainly, no, they cannot, at the very least they should not sleep in the bed with you. Due to their sleeping habits and small stature, it is extremely dangerous for your bearded dragon to be sleeping in the same bed as you and is highly advised against for the safety of your bearded dragon.

Can you have 2 bearded dragons in one tank?

Bearded dragons can have intense territorial streaks, particularly the males. Never keep a pair of two male bearded dragons in the same enclosure. A pair of two females might work, however. A male and a female together might work, too, but it’s important to be aware of the likely possibility of reproduction.

Do bearded dragons need heat at night?

Do Bearded dragons need heat at night? The simple answer to this question is that it depends on how warm your house is. In nature, the temperature drops naturally overnight, and this drop in temperature can be quite dramatic in some areas.


The Best Guide To Bearded Dragon Nutrition


Bearded Dragons Drink Water (5 rehydration techniques)

Bathing a Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragon Lighting: Everything you need to know (15+ Pictures)

Bearded Dragon Substrate: Top 5 Best & Worst


How To Bearded Dragon Proof A Room

Protecting Yourself from Salmonella with Bearded Dragons

Choosing And Buying a Bearded Dragon



Can A Bearded Dragon Sleep In Your Bed?
