Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pistachios?


Perhaps the most well-known answer to this question is “No,” and that’s for a good reason.

While there are many other foods that can be safely added to a Bearded Dragon diet, Pistachios present some unique challenges.

The oils in Pistachios aren’t healthy for them because their small size means they can easily be overeaten. This makes it easy for these rodents to consume too much fat, sodium and other nutrients they don’t need.

Bearded Dragons are omnivorous reptiles native to Australia and New Caledonia with humanlike V-shaped yellowish or orange-brownish markings called “beard” which gives them their common name.

Adult male dragons measure between 16 -20 inches long, while females are slightly smaller at 12 – 16 inches long. Males have longer tails than females as well.

When you first get your bearded dragon home, it is important to understand what sort of diet they should have in order to ensure a happy and healthy life for your pet.


What Are Pistachios?

Pistachios are a type of tree nut. In the United States, they are the second most popular nut, behind only almonds. They are widely cultivated in the Middle East, Central Asia and California.

Pistachios are high in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals such as copper, phosphorus, iron and manganese.

They are also a good source of potassium, vitamin B6 and are low in sodium. They are known to be high in fats, so they should be consumed in moderation.

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The Problem With Pistachios For Bearded Dragons

Pistachios are high in fat and sodium so they should not be fed to Bearded Dragons, especially young Bearded Dragon. Bearded Dragons are desert animals, so they are very sensitive to high sodium and water intake.

Even though Bearded Dragons have a taste for salty foods, they can easily get sick from excessive sodium intake. Low-quality or spoiled nuts can also cause digestive problems or even death.

Bearded Dragons can also choke on Pistachios because of their large size. They are not designed for the small throats of Bearded Dragons and pose a serious choking hazard. Bearded Dragons are also very small animals, so it is easy for them to overeat on high-fat foods like nuts.


What nuts can bearded dragons eat?

Pecans – The best nut to feed your Bearded Dragon is pecans because they are lower in fat and sodium than other nuts. Almonds – The second best nut to feed your Bearded Dragon is almonds.

They have the same health benefits as pecans, but they have more calories, so you should feed them in smaller quantities. Other nut types – You should avoid feeding your Bearded Dragon walnuts, cashews and pistachios. These are high in fat and sodium and can cause digestive problems in Bearded Dragons.

In very severe cases, these can even lead to death.



The best way to get good nutrition into your pet is by choosing healthy foods. There are lots of things you can feed a bearded dragon. Just make sure you know what they are and how much they should eat.

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Next time you’re thinking of what to feed your pet, consider one these nutritious foods. From fruits and vegetables to bugs and even a few nuts, there are plenty of options to choose from. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to stock up on the best food for your Bearded Dragon!