Are Bearded Dragons Poisonous?


Dealing with wild animals usually warrants constant practice of caution to prevent unintended consequences.

This is because some of these animals are usually quite dangerous and thus capable of seriously harming humans.

As such, pet enthusiasts like bearded dragon keepers must always ask themselves some crucial questions.

These include  whether the animal they are adopting could be dangerous in one way or the other.


Bearded dragons and the lizard family

Bearded dragons usually fall under the lizard family. Most of these usually hunt, paralyze and kill their prey through venomous attacks.

Discussions among scholars and even beardie beg the question whether beardies may be venomous to humans.


Bearded dragon’s venom

Despite beardies being peaceful and docile unless provoked, several studies conducted by scientists reveal that bearded dragons, just like their lizard family members, do have venomous glands and thus secret venom for a variety of purposes. Further research also reveals that this venom is usually similar to that found in rattlesnakes as such capable of paralyzing and killing specific other living organisms.

However, bearded dragon’s venom glands are always considered vestigial and thus only secret a minute amount of poison. Due to this, the venom can often only paralyze small prey animals while having zero impacts on humans. As such, a beardie’s venomous bite will definitely be non-toxic with no negative implications whatsoever to humans and other large prey animals.



To use the word venom or poison in the context of causing harm to humans may thus be an over-exaggeration of facts. This is because beardie venom is inconsequential to humans, essentially making beardies safe for human interactions. Thus, bearded dragons are never poisonous to you.

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